Scripture(s): "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." (1 Timothy 2:1-2 ESV)
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16 NIV)
Song: Song of Intercession - William McDowell
In the previous entry of the #LetsPrayTogether Series, we talked about The Prayer of Confession, and I thought it would be great to continue on with The Prayer of Supplication & Intercession and make a connection between the two. For starters, let's define Supplication and Intercession.
Supplicate: to ask for earnestly and humbly.
Intercession: prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another.
From this, we can conclude that The Prayer of Supplication & Intercession, collectively, means to humbly pray for someone else. In life, we all face many tests and trials, but it is such a blessing to have someone pray with you and for you. An important part of making these types of prayers effective is confessing your sins to one another and praying for God's forgiveness. Doing so, creates space for God to move on your behalf. Establishing that there is something interfering with your relationship with God is what helps create that needed space for God to do his work. James 5:16 informs us that it is crucial part to the healing process as well.
Another form of intercession that I love is just simply praying for our nation. Sometimes things happen and individuals that we aren't too fond of are placed into leadership, but God still calls for us to pray for the situations and circumstances that our nation may face, as well as those placed in high positions. The Song of Intercession puts all of this into perspective, and the song really speaks to the power of intercession beautifully. Saying, "We come not for ourselves, but we're crying out for the nation." Saying, "God, I that your world may be changed." Praying to God that He works on us so we can be an example for the world. No matter what this nation looks like, God we know you are in charge. When two or three are gather together in His name, God shall be in the midst! (Matt. 18:20)
A personal goal of mine is to pray more for others, and just letting others know that I'm thinking of them. Everyone goes through life differently, and sometimes, even your closest friends may be going through something that you know nothing about. It's so very important to just pray. There's so much power in prayer...
Journal Prompt: Two things: Write down a prayer for someone close to your heart and write down a prayer for the nation. We're getting ready to enter into a new year and I truly believe that God is about to do some amazing things. Reflect on the things that you've written down and continue to pray on those things and have faith that God is about to work some miracles.
The change I want to see Must first begin in me I surrender, so Your world can be changed.