Have you ever...not wanted to read God's word? Unmotivated or even stressed out trying to comprehend everything? Trust me...I know the feeling. There have been days where I intentionally avoided reading my bible, for a number of reasons. Most times, I just found myself in a sad state of mind that I didn't want to pull myself out of. But I've learned that I have to force myself out of it because there's so much God wants to tell me. The answers I was in search of happened to be right in the pages of my bible. If I don't read it, I've also learned that I'm limiting God's voice and I don't want to put limits on God. I shouldn't put limits on God. So to help with that, I've found ways to overcome my moments of disinterest.
Whatever reason(s) you may have for not wanting to read the bible, I pray that this post helps you overcome those emotions and gets you back to reading God's love letter to you.
1. Reset your mood with gospel music. When I'm feeling unmotivated to read, one of the first things I do is turn on my gospel jams. Depending on what I feel I need to hear, I'll either turn on upbeat, bumping gospel or tears rolling down my face worship music. 9 times out of 10, it ends up being worship from my favorites: Tasha Cobbs, Kierra Sheard, Mavercity City Music, etc. Worship helps so much because I know the devil is at work. He knows that the Word of God is my sword and He'll do whatever He can to discourage me from reading it. Music is so beautiful and I thank God that I'm able to utilize it to pull me closer to Him.
2. Praying Authentically. Sometimes when I'm going through emotionally, I forget I can keep it 100 with God. My prayers don't have to be extravagant or sophisticated. I can literally talk to God as if He is one of my friends in the natural. Because God is my friend. And that's just that on that.
I can just say, "Hey God. I don't really feel like reading my bible right now. I know I need to, but I just don't have it in me. I need your help, like for real."
God wants us to keep it real with Him. He already knows how we feel anyway, so why even try to pretend with Him? If you don't have it altogether, it's okay. Because you can turn to the Father for strength. That's why He's always near.
3. Try Reading Translations That Are Easier To Comprehend. One of the reasons I used to shy away from reading the bible was because I simply didn't understand it. Who wants to keep reading something they can't comprehend, you know? I truly thank God for translations because they have helped me sooo much! There are over 100 bible translations, so there are so many to choose from! You just have to find one that works for you. Within the same token, it's best to try and find translations that don't omit important context of scripture. A lot of translations can be considered paraphrases, so I tend to read those translations alongside the King James Version to compare. Translations I recommend are the Amplified Bible (AMP), New Living Translation (NLT), Christian Standard Bible (CSB) and The Message Bible (the MSG Bible is a paraphrase, so read this one alongside Amplified or KJV).
4. Get A Study Bible. Listen...a study bible is a powerful tool! I currently have a Women's CSB Study Bible, and I absolutely love it! The footnotes really break down what the scriptures are saying and help so much with comprehension. You'd be surprised how many scriptures have been taken out of context. I'm learning the true meaning behind a lot of scriptures just by reading my study bible and I'm so thankful for that.
5. Find Community That Will Help You Want To Read The Word Again. Accountability is so important and can be very helpful in this situation. Call up a friend. Express your need to read and that you aren't motivated to pick up the book. Start or join a small bible study group. God wants you to have community, so reach out. For when two or three or gathered in His name, He will surely be in the midst of them. (Matt. 18:20)
I pray you find at least one of these tips helpful. The devil is busy, but our God works 24/7, o-kay?! And with any battle, we have the victory every single time. I love ya'll so so much and I hope you'll be picking up that bible real soon.
Peace & Blessings Always,